Monday, July 16, 2018


HELLO. Today is a wonderful 100 degrees outside (feels like 108) and my apartment is experiencing a power outage due to everyone in the area feeling like they are entitled to however much electricity they want. My wonderful roommate feels it is acceptable to turn our AC down to 68 whenever there is zero weather stripping on our front door. Thus, our last bill was pricey. She has since learned her lesson (turning it up to 72 for a few hours of the day). Thankfully, I am not home today. But I bet you anything my wonderful roomie took advantage of me not being there, snickering to herself as she turns the thermostat down 4 notches lower. And now the whole neighborhood is experiencing a power outage.
But I kid, it was probably the sour old couple who lives in the building behind us. They seem like the type to soak up a lot of power. A "power trip," if you will.

PS: I love my roommate. She really is wonderful. I bear her no ill will.


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