Tuesday, June 19, 2018

I Don't Care About Your Cat

Hi all! So my last post made my father uncomfortable. I can't sort out why that is. It couldn't possibly be all the penis talk. But, to be fair, I did also talk about school. I think that's a bit redeeming. Anyway, I haven't posted in awhile. Not that it matters, I only have one reader I think, and it's my dad. 
ANYWAY, here's what happened today: I got up, went to school, went to my boyfriend's, took the dogs for a walk, got caught in the rain, went to the mall, spent money I didn't have, now I'm back home doing this to practice writing for an audience (hey Dad!). 
So school has been great. I've actually made some friends. I don't really plan on seeing them outside of school, but maybe it'll happen. For right now, they're good distractions from whatever my professor happens to be teaching at that moment. You know? That moment when some other student thinks what they have to say is more important than what the professor is saying? Today it was, "Hey, look at these pictures of my cat that I took on portrait mode." 
I'm not saying I dislike these people. They are nice and I get along with them whenever we do have a second to chat, but I am genuinely trying to achieve an A in a class where the professor straight up told us that her average is a B. We are halfway through this semester, and I am making an 89. *eye twitch*  

Thursday, June 7, 2018

School and Circumcisions

We're at the end of the first week of the semester and things so far so good. However, next week for a project I have to look at 3 internships in my field of interest, which is publishing. I know this will be useful, but I have to go out and find someone to interview who works in that field. I'm not sure how easy I'll be able to find someone to interview. I don't know of a lot of publishers where I live. But for the sake of a good grade, I will prevail!
If you're wondering what I'm doing right now, I found this science podcast on Spotify called Science Vs. and I'm listening to the pros and cons of circumcisions. Pros: can protect from infection and some STDs. Cons: it's painful. And something I didn't know, circumcisions don't effect men's sex lives, so the benefits outweigh the risks. 

Monday, June 4, 2018

First Day of the Semester

Today I started the summer semester. And I am frightened. At first I thought, "this will be a piece of cake; it's only one month long." False. It will be awful. I have an assignment/quiz/test nearly every single day because of how little time there is in the semester. There won't be a single day this summer where I won't be doing homework or reading from a textbook. So this is my life now. I've already finished everything for today, but it's only the first day, so there wasn't much to do.
The classes I am taking as of right now are technical writing and ASL 3. I don't know which class I'm most nervous for. Probably technical writing, just because my professor said her average grade was a B. I'm typically an A student, so challenge accepted. On this first day of class, we had to write a memo. Pretty easy stuff, only one page long. My ASL professor is pretty awesome. He's quite funny and I'm thinking I could make an A in his class. Although I haven't practiced sign language in over a year. This will be a grand summer, indeed.
Here's something kind of funny, in my ASL class, which is my first class of the day, someone pulled the fire alarm. This was in the Business Leadership Building (BLB) at University of North Texas (UNT). It's a pretty big building, so lots of people outside. Whoever pulled that alarm must've really not liked his/her class.  It was a great way to start off the semester.
There is something my tech comm. professor shared with the class today. It's a commencement speech called "This is Water" by David Foster Wallace. He delivered this speech at Kenyon College and it really is awesome. I promise it's not boring. It has some humor and is very insightful and inspiring. So, if you feel so inclined, you should listen to it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=8CrOL-ydFMI
Don't know if I'll be blogging as much since apparently I'll be super duper busy, but as a writer who doesn't write, I shall try.
Found this gem in my textbook. I always thought redundancy and repetition meant the same thing. Regardless, avoid both I guess.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

An Uninteresting Post

Turns out my life is not very interesting. I don't know what to blog about today. There's really not much going on currently, except for my mom getting a new house, which is awesome, but not something I could really blog about. If you want an update on the whole work situation I mentioned in my last post, my manager called me today and told me she thought I was unavailable on weekends. False. I can work on weekends, just not Fridays. So, that's the most interesting thing in my life right now. I'll have more to talk about when school starts on Monday. Cheerio.