Thursday, June 7, 2018

School and Circumcisions

We're at the end of the first week of the semester and things so far so good. However, next week for a project I have to look at 3 internships in my field of interest, which is publishing. I know this will be useful, but I have to go out and find someone to interview who works in that field. I'm not sure how easy I'll be able to find someone to interview. I don't know of a lot of publishers where I live. But for the sake of a good grade, I will prevail!
If you're wondering what I'm doing right now, I found this science podcast on Spotify called Science Vs. and I'm listening to the pros and cons of circumcisions. Pros: can protect from infection and some STDs. Cons: it's painful. And something I didn't know, circumcisions don't effect men's sex lives, so the benefits outweigh the risks. 


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